# Development Workflow > We use pnpm for development. > Please make sure you have node.js, npm and pnpm installed on your machine. After cloning Milkdown, run `pnpm install` to install dependencies. Then, you can run several commands: - `pnpm watch` watches all packages except gh-pages. - `pnpm clear` remove all build dist. - `pnpm test:unit` runs unit test. - `pnpm test:it` runs integration test. - `pnpm test:lint` checks the code style. - `pnpm test:tsc` runs typescript type checks. - `pnpm test` runs all possible test. - `pnpm doc` runs develop mode for gh-pages package. - `pnpm build:packs` runs build for all packages. - `pnpm build:doc` runs build for gh-pages package. - `pnpm commit` runs commit with git hooks. The easiest way to get started is to run `pnpm watch` in one command line and `pnpm doc` in another. Then you can make some modify you want to see the change. # Pre Check Before you create a pull request, please check the following todo: - Pre commit hooks passed, please don't ignore it. - `pnpm test` passed. - `pnpm build:packs` passed. - `pnpm build:doc` passed. - `pnpm doc:preview` works as you expected. # License By contributing to Milkdown, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT license.