同步操作将从 天勤量化(TqSdk)/tqsdk-python 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'mayanqiong'
from datetime import datetime
from tqsdk.objs import Quote
def _symbols_to_quotes(symbols, keys=set(Quote(None).keys())):
"""将 symbols 转为 quotes,只输出 keys 包括的字段"""
result = symbols.get("result", {})
quotes = {}
for k in result:
for symbol in result[k]:
quote = quotes.setdefault(symbol["instrument_id"], {})
quote.update(_convert_symbol_to_quote(symbol, keys))
if symbol.get("underlying"):
for edge in symbol["underlying"]["edges"]:
underlying_symbol = edge["node"]
if "underlying_symbol" in keys:
quote["underlying_symbol"] = underlying_symbol["instrument_id"]
underlying_quote = quotes.setdefault(underlying_symbol["instrument_id"], {})
underlying_quote.update(_convert_symbol_to_quote(underlying_symbol, keys))
# 为期权合约补充 delivery_year delivery_month 商品期权根据标的赋值;金融期权与 exercise_year exercise_month 相同
# 为期权补充 delivery_year delivery_month 完全是为了兼容旧版合约服务
for key in ["delivery_year", "delivery_month"]:
if key in keys and symbol["class"] == "OPTION":
if symbol["exchange_id"] in ["DCE", "CZCE", "SHFE"]:
quote[key] = underlying_quote[key]
if symbol["exchange_id"] == "CFFEX" and "last_exercise_datetime" in symbol:
if key == "delivery_year":
quote[key] = datetime.fromtimestamp(symbol["last_exercise_datetime"] / 1e9).year
quote[key] = datetime.fromtimestamp(symbol["last_exercise_datetime"] / 1e9).month
for k in quotes:
if quotes[k].get("ins_class", "") == "COMBINE":
# 为组合合约补充 volume_multiple
leg1_quote = quotes.get(quotes[k].get("leg1_symbol", ""), {})
if leg1_quote:
if leg1_quote.get("volume_multiple"):
quotes[k]["volume_multiple"] = leg1_quote["volume_multiple"]
return quotes
def _convert_symbol_to_quote(symbol, keys):
quote = {}
for key in keys:
if key == "leg1_symbol" and "leg1" in symbol:
quote["leg1_symbol"] = symbol["leg1"]["instrument_id"]
elif key == "leg2_symbol" and "leg2" in symbol:
quote["leg2_symbol"] = symbol["leg2"]["instrument_id"]
elif key == "ins_class" and "class" in symbol:
quote["ins_class"] = symbol["class"]
elif key == "option_class" and "call_or_put" in symbol:
quote["option_class"] = symbol["call_or_put"]
elif key == "volume_multiple" and "index_multiple" in symbol:
quote["volume_multiple"] = symbol["index_multiple"]
elif key == "expire_datetime" and symbol.get("expire_datetime"):
quote["expire_datetime"] = symbol["expire_datetime"] / 1e9
elif key == "last_exercise_datetime" and symbol.get("last_exercise_datetime"):
quote["last_exercise_datetime"] = symbol["last_exercise_datetime"] / 1e9
elif key == "exercise_year" and symbol.get("last_exercise_datetime"):
quote["exercise_year"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(symbol["last_exercise_datetime"] / 1e9).year
elif key == "exercise_month" and symbol.get("last_exercise_datetime"):
quote["exercise_month"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(symbol["last_exercise_datetime"] / 1e9).month
elif key == "pre_settlement" and "settlement_price" in symbol:
quote["pre_settlement"] = symbol["settlement_price"]
elif key in symbol:
quote[key] = symbol[key]
return quote
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